It seems so much time is spent these days on trying to do so much and doing it so quickly, that we forget to appreciate some of the things that take time. I am always short on time for things I want to do. So, sometimes you have to make time. When it comes to cooking, I know it can't always be pretty, and it can't always be gourmet. But what it must be is good. I mean, what's the point if the food isn't enjoyable? I believe in doing what works for you, trying new things, trying something before claiming you don't like it. I also believe that it is nice to take the time to make something a step above average when there is the time, patience, and budget to do so.
I enjoy good old fashioned home cooking. I like some of the more "gourmet" things. I also like being able to grab something out of the refrigerator or pantry and throw something together. I enjoy making things that look and smell wonderful, and I really like sharing that with the people I love. I also understand that with times the way things are, not everyone can afford to buy the best or most expensive items out there. I also firmly believe that you don't have to spend a lot of money, or slave away in the kitchen for hours to have a good meal. It is important to remember it doesn't have to cost a lot to taste good.
I believe in experimenting with different tastes and products. I also believe that sometimes it can't be completely homemade. That doesn't mean the taste has to suffer. With a few touch ups, and personal additions, you can have a decent meal. Even if it wasn't all made from scratch. I believe the more you make yourself, the more control you have health-wise and flavor-wise. I have a semi-homemade category on my blog for this very purpose. Some people don't view it as "real cooking". I view it as life. Ultimately you've got to do what you've got to do. I think, especially for the novice or beginner to cooking, it is a great way to build confidence. For someone short on time or energy or money it can be a real saver in every sense of the word.
I'd encourage people who want to get into cooking, that may be a little intimidated, to go for it. Try out recipes, simple or not, there are tons of places for information. Give it a shot, trust me, it's well worth the effort. I am one of the fortunate people who grew up in a house where everyone was a good cook. I gleaned a great appreciation for flavors, tastes, and aromas. I am passionate about it and have recently renewed my love of cooking. Sharing it with good friends and family is a wonderful way to spend my time. The foodie community is huge, and growing. Along with it a better understanding and knowledge. It is a strong community full of people who are willing to help.
Now, don't get me wrong, there are food snobs out there. I know I can be, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be happy to take the time to help out where I can. I believe that sharing information is the best way to learn and discover and I apply that to cooking and food. In the end, we all have to eat. What we eat can be good or bad, but if I've got a choice you can believe it is going to be good.
~ Happy cooking!
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